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First get a camera and search around your classroom, the hallways, the walls, the ceiling etc. Take photos of anything that interests you. 

Limit you images to 4, you may have just one, but 4 is you maximum number images allowed for this project.

Once you images are picked, print them off. four times or four different images. On separate sheets of paper.

You are now going to color over them in a way that represents the style of the movement you decided to learn about  yesterday


Think of all you learned as you color over these images, try new ways of coloring, or how varying color, on line weight or texture.



















You will learn to collage multimedia together in this project to make an art work.

This project can take two options:

Make a collage that represents the movement you learned about by the exact images you collect. Pick images that are like the aspects of your movement. I.E. surrealism would mean very random images together, full of bright color. 



Make a collage that is of any images you like, but paste the collage in a way that represents the movement. I.E.- For Impressionism have any of the images you chose cut out paste together due to color of them.


First cut out 15-20 images that interest you from magaizens, or find them on the internet, or newspapers, etc.

Then put the in an order on a black piece of computer paper, do NOT paste them down.

Rearrange the order  at least three times before settling on a choice, ask your peers if they are doing the same project, if they know what movement it is. 

Once you have made a decision on you collage, paste it. 

You have finished, please clean up and out your artwork in a safe place for keeping.























In this lesson, you will be creating your own poster!

However this poster is about the movement you have chosen. 

You must incorporate, the style, the history and the artistic techniques that you learned about.  


Sketch out at least two differ designs of your poster, do NOT pick the first idea that comes to you.  Be creative and think about composition, content, and size/style. 

Once you have made sure you poster sketch is identifying the movement of your choice, begging to draw it on the larger piece of paper.

Once all drawn out, start to fill it in, but think like the artists you have learned about for each movement, think why does your poster look the way it does,

or why you drew the things you did.

Continue for the rest of the period to finsh your poster, have fun with it!

Once finished, clean up, and put your art in a safe place.

















 Lesson 4

In this lesson you will be re-creating an image that we provide you, using the techniques and styles from your movement

You are able to use any materials that are given to you. These can be pencil, charcoal, paint, water colors, crayons, etc. Anything that you feel will make the re-creation of this image like your movement.


Think about all of the different styles, techniques, and history from your movement.

From your choices of medium, begin to re-create your image like you specific movement on the provided separate piece of paper. 

Remember that this re-creation is supposed to contain the techniques and styles from your movement!

Once finished, clean up, and put your art in a safe place.

Final Lesson

You have each learned about 4 movements through out this Wequest so far.  For the last part of the Webquest we want you to get really thinking.

Think about all you learned about all the movements, and why they are the movement they are. 

For the final lesson you will be working in pairs, expect one group of three.
You will be making a group project based on each of you own individual favorite movements.

For example.
James- impressionism
Kate- Realism
Danielle- Surrealism

ALL of these movements will be important to the final product, if the group members both like the same movement, one of the members must pick your second favorite.

You will be creating an image based off of the movements of your choice, and melding them into one solid image.

It is your choice as a team what you want to draw, and then as a team decide how the differing movements will work together, or against each other in the final product.  Two movements but be identifiable in the image, however the content of the image is up to the team.

Paint will be your medium, because it is the medium that is used in every movement consistently.


Make sure both team members, understand both movements, therefor it is your job if your teammate does not know about your own movement choice, to teach them about it.

Once you both feel as though you understand each others movements, begin to think about how you can incorporate them in to one image.

Create as a team, at least 2 sketches, then decide your final choice, and create your painting. (Sketches do NOT needed to me painted, just draw them out).

Have fun working as a team!


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